
11:03 < mirkuehne> Hi, I am Mirjam Kuehne. I'll be monitor this session.
11:03 -!- philip_RIPENCC [~Adium@2001:67c:64:42:e076:f4c7:8f5b:5730] has joined #ipv6
11:03 < mirkuehne> Alex Band presents The IPv6 Analyser
11:04 -!- Razvan_RIPENCC [~textual [at] s258-sslvpn-1 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ipv6
11:05 -!- marcoh [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ipv6
11:07 -!- gilles [~Adium@2001:a18:1:8:cc86:b166:9b56:14d5] has left #ipv6 []
11:08 < shane> A paradigm shift! I think it's still a bit early in the day for a paradigm shift. :-/
11:08 -!- davew [~davew@] has joined #ipv6
11:10 -!- marcoh [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
11:11 -!- rvs [~ruben [at] erg [dot] verweg [dot] com] has joined #ipv6
11:13 < mirkuehne> questions for Alex?
11:14 < mirkuehne> next presentation: Jan Zorz/Bennno Overeinder report from BCOP task Force
11:14 -!- ripe527 [~53597185 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
11:22 -!- awo_Infoblox [~59476d9e [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
11:22 < mirkuehne> any questions for Jan?
11:28 < mirkuehne> next presentation: Ragnar Anfinsen
11:28 < shane>
11:28 -!- Razvan_RIPENCC [~textual [at] s258-sslvpn-1 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
11:28 < shane> Am I the only one that reads xkcd?
11:28 < shane> :-P
11:29 < rhe-786> Not by a long chalk. :)
11:30 < shane> I thought it was important to add a shibboleet section to the IPv6 help desk document....
11:34 < mirkuehne> any questions for Ragnar?
11:45 < mirkuehne> Any questions or comments for Sander?
11:46 < mirkuehne> volunteers to help with the document?
11:54 -!- ripe988 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ipv6
11:54 < mirkuehne> next presentation: Edoardo Martelli: IPv6 deployment at CERN
12:00 -!- ripe988 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
12:00 < shane> Hm... "IPv6 slower configuration not a problem (yet) because we don't have any volume"...
12:01 < shane> I seem to remember hearing that about 100 times in the past decade or so...
12:01 < shane> :-P
12:04 -!- ripe221 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #ipv6
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12:13 < mirkuehne> any questions for Edoardo?
12:13 -!- ayourtch [~dalien@2001:41d0:8:e060::1] has joined #ipv6
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12:29 < ayourtch> and bug me if something does work :)
12:29 -!- philip_RIPENCC [~Adium@2001:67c:64:42:e076:f4c7:8f5b:5730] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
12:29 < ayourtch> ... or does not :)
12:29 -!- davew [~davew@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
12:30 -!- andyd [~andy [at] chilli [dot] nosignal [dot] org] has left #ipv6 []
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12:31 -!- shane [~smuxi [at] dhcp-25-65 [dot] ripemtg [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
12:33 -!- mirkuehne [~mirkuehne [at] s258-sslvpn-1 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: mirkuehne]