
11:06 < Matt_RIPENCC> Hello. Welcome to the 11:00 Plenary session. My name is Matt from the RIPE NCC. I will be monitoring chat during this session. If you have a question or comment, I can read it out for you. Please make your questions as clear as possible. I will read out any questions when the speaker asks for questions at the end of his/her presentation. Please note that all chat transcripts will be archived and made available to the public on
11:06 -!- pawal [~d4f70e26 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:06 < Matt_RIPENCC> Chris Grundemann has begun the presentation "Security in an IPv6 World: Myth & Reality".
11:06 -!- randy [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
11:07 -!- daf-fd357 [] has joined #plenary
11:09 -!- ripe114 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:09 -!- ripe724 [~bc4179fd [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:10 -!- ayourtch [~ad26d0aa [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:11 -!- ripe724 [~bc4179fd [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
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11:11 -!- ripe312 [~5d674798 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
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11:14 -!- romeo_ncc [~romeo@2001:67c:64:42:c09f:2c29:b7d6:11ed] has joined #plenary
11:15 -!- ripe903 [~02 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:20 -!- Axu [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:20 < Axu> hi
11:21 -!- randy [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:21 < job> hi
11:21 < Axu> is there a real irc server i could connect to instead of using this web app?
11:21 < job> #plenary
11:21 -!- chrisr [~5271a0fa [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
11:22 < Axu> also, is there a stream url i could feed to my video player? i don't have flash ...
11:22 -!- chris [~5271a0fa [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:23 < widell> Axu: check the web, there are alternative streaming
11:24 -!- ripe661 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:24 -!- keith_24865 [~keith@2001:67c:64:42:c685:8ff:fe1e:be4b] has joined #plenary
11:24 < amanda_ncc> Axu - For iPhone:
11:24 < amanda_ncc> With VLC or other players: rtsp://
11:24 < Matt_RIPENCC> @Axu: With VLC or other players: rtsp://
11:24 < Mih_RIPENCC> Axu: Please see the "Other clients" tab on the Remote Participation page:
11:24 < Axu> thank you, it was under "other clients"
11:24 < amanda_ncc> haha - we're so helpful :)
11:25 < amd2-ripe> everybody loves the "Oh, I can answer that one" oportunity :-)
11:26 -!- ripe661 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
11:27 -!- ripe170 [~50fe9394 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:28 -!- barryo [~barryo@2001:770:1a8:40:b9e4:1cb6:a713:4dba] has joined #plenary
11:28 < rvs> no plans to offer the stream over ports 80/443? 1935 is firewalled here :(
11:29 -!- ripe373 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:29 -!- stefan [~stefan@2001:67c:64:42:5172:fb04:d813:72db] has joined #plenary
11:30 -!- BECHA [~Adium [at] dhcp-25-156 [dot] ripemtg [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:30 -!- lord2y [~4e86079b [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:31 -!- nick-WAW [~nick-2128 [at] vpn-254 [dot] int [dot] inex [dot] ie] has joined #plenary
11:31 -!- ripe170 [~50fe9394 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
11:32 < Matt_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
11:32 -!- ripe373 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
11:33 < Matt_RIPENCC> Dave Wilson has begun the presentation "What Went Wrong With IPv6?".
11:33 -!- ripe238 [~02 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:35 -!- snobu [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
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11:36 -!- ripe921 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:36 < Axu> is there another stream that would show the slides better?
11:36 -!- ripe921 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has left #plenary []
11:36 < Axu> or can i download the slides?
11:36 < snobu> rtsp://
11:36 < Axu> that's the one i'm watching
11:36 -!- Behnam [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:36 < snobu> it's 720p...ish
11:37 < Mih_RIPENCC> Axu: You can see the slides here
11:39 -!- ripe964 [~02 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:39 < Axu> thanks
11:39 -!- eric-AS1200 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:41 -!- mike-15533 [~50fe9394 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:42 -!- Frank_RIPENCC_ [~Frank_RIP [at] s258-sslvpn-1 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:42 -!- ripe400 [~5bc8135c [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:43 -!- cpetrie_RIPENCC [~cpetrie [at] s258-sslvpn-1 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
11:46 -!- barryo [~barryo@2001:770:1a8:40:b9e4:1cb6:a713:4dba] has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
11:46 -!- barryo [~barryo@] has joined #plenary
11:48 < chris> This is very, very good ...
11:49 -!- ripe687 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
11:50 < Matt_RIPENCC> Dave Wilson has asked for questions.
11:51 < mickod-2110> genius
11:51 < chris> yep
11:51 < rvs> have to rewatch this, food for thought
11:51 < chris> something that's needed to have been said for a while
11:52 < rvs> just like your car, do you care which type of gas it runs on as long as it drives?
11:52 * chris waves at Keith
11:53 -!- ripe964 [~02 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
11:54 -!- gm-1213 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
11:55 -!- gilles [~Adium@2001:a18:1:8:59de:d96d:fe:7b2a] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
11:57 -!- Behnam [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
11:57 < BSS27-RIPE> rvs: I do ... but I'm wierd - like I prefer v6 just because :-D
11:57 -!- lord2y [~4e86079b [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
11:57 -!- Suz [~a29 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
12:00 -!- ripe703 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
12:02 -!- ripe559 [~c2136495 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
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12:03 < keith_24865> Hi chris
12:04 -!- ayourtch_ [~ayourtch [at] cable-78 [dot] 29 [dot] 227 [dot] 215 [dot] coditel [dot] net] has joined #plenary
12:04 -!- ayourtch [~ad26d0aa [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has left #plenary []
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12:04 -!- ripe626 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
12:04 -!- philip_RIPENCC [~Adium@2001:67c:64:42:9494:3539:2bee:a6e2] has joined #plenary
12:05 < Matt_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
12:05 -!- ripe626 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
12:05 < Matt_RIPENCC> Andra Lutu has begun the presentation "Understanding the Reachability of IPv6 Limited Visibility Prefixes".
12:05 -!- amanda_ncc [~Adium@2001:67c:2e8:13:7d93:f05f:b4dc:5e92] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
12:06 -!- amanda_ncc [~Adium [at] guest214 [dot] guestnet [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
12:09 < brian-1213> RIPE Atlas is definitely a square on RIPE plenary bingo these days.
12:09 -!- ripe626 [~82e1f5f5 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
12:09 -!- amanda_ncc [~Adium [at] guest214 [dot] guestnet [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
12:09 -!- Oliver_S258 [~Adium@2001:67c:2e8:9:5c1f:116:459:b434] has joined #plenary
12:11 -!- stefan [~stefan@2001:67c:64:42:5172:fb04:d813:72db] has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
12:11 -!- Razvan_RIPENCC [~textual [at] s258-sslvpn-1 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
12:12 * amd2-ripe stares at the sound
12:12 < keith_24865> I don't often say this, but speaker microphone gain could be reduced a bit..
12:13 < fatemah_ripencc> better?
12:13 -!- ripe626 [~82e1f5f5 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
12:13 < Matt_RIPENCC> yep
12:13 < keith_24865> thx
12:17 -!- ripe825 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
12:18 -!- ripe166 [~2eef44e2 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
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12:21 < Matt_RIPENCC> Andra Lutu has asked for questions.
12:21 -!- eric-AS1200 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
12:23 -!- BECHA [~Adium [at] dhcp-25-156 [dot] ripemtg [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
12:23 -!- ayourtch_ is now known as ayourtch
12:24 -!- Suz [~a29 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
12:24 -!- ripe882 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
12:25 < BSS27-RIPE> 2 girls discussing details on BGP measurments - only @ RIPE :-D
12:25 -!- ripe692 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
12:25 < amd2-ripe> heh
12:26 -!- randy [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
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12:27 -!- ripe920 [~6defbfb9 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
12:28 -!- BECHA [~Adium [at] dhcp-25-156 [dot] ripemtg [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
12:28 -!- philip_RIPENCC [~Adium@2001:67c:64:42:9494:3539:2bee:a6e2] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
12:28 < Matt_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
12:28 -!- ripe920 [~6defbfb9 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
12:29 < Matt_RIPENCC> This session has now ended.
12:29 -!- fatemah_ripencc [~Adium@2001:67c:64:42:bd64:a362:dbdf:343d] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
12:29 -!- ripe903 [~02 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
12:29 -!- Razvan_RIPENCC [~textual [at] s258-sslvpn-1 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
12:29 -!- fatemah_ripencc [~Adium [at] dhcp-27-68 [dot] ripemtg [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
12:30 -!- randy [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
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12:30 -!- Frank_RIPENCC_ [~Frank_RIP [at] s258-sslvpn-1 [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:30 < boggits> can you put some background “noise” on the webcast so people can tell the feeds not dies :)
12:30 < rvs> :)
12:31 -!- jbond [~balder [at] ns [dot] johnbond [dot] org] has joined #plenary
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12:31 -!- amanda_ncc [~Adium@2001:67c:2e8:13:7d93:f05f:b4dc:5e92] has joined #plenary
12:31 < ayourtch> mschepers: do you have access to ? my traceroute6 from two unrelated hosts stops at, wondered if you have a chance to try from your side.
12:32 -!- ripe655 [~53e67fdd [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
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12:34 -!- Matt_RIPENCC [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
12:35 -!- BECHA [~Adium [at] dhcp-25-156 [dot] ripemtg [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
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12:40 -!- nick-WAW [~nick-2128 [at] vpn-254 [dot] int [dot] inex [dot] ie] has quit [Quit: nick-WAW]
12:40 -!- BECHA [~Adium [at] dhcp-25-156 [dot] ripemtg [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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12:59 -!- Razvan_RIPENCC [~textual [at] dhcp-25-26 [dot] ripemtg [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
13:01 -!- ripe854 [~c10201c7 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
13:01 < ripe854> hi
13:01 -!- fatemah_ripencc [~Adium@2001:67c:64:42:89a5:acd2:761c:3c13] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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13:05 < david> hmm
13:07 -!- Mih_RIPENCC [~mgrigore [at] dhcp-25-8 [dot] ripemtg [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: Mih_RIPENCC]
13:09 -!- ripe232 [~5427d513 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
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13:56 -!- bricin [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Session timeout)]
13:57 -!- Matyas [~4a7d7a21 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
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