08:59 < Matt_RIPENCC> Hello. Welcome to the Tuesday morning Plenary session. My name is Matt from the RIPE NCC. I will be monitoring chat during this session. If you have a question or comment, I can read it out for you. Please make your questions as clear as possible. I will read out any questions when the speaker asks for questions at the end of his/her presentation. Please note that all chat transcripts will be archived and made available to the public on https:/
08:59 -!- ripe238 [~02 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
08:59 -!- ripe582 [~5353bcd8 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
08:59 -!- ripe075 [~5353bcd8 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
09:01 -!- mickod-2210 [~modonovan@2001:67c:64:49:9ceb:9f46:d391:3309] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
09:01 < Matt_RIPENCC> Leon Aaron Kaplan has begun the presentation "Better Crypto".
09:01 -!- rvs [~ruben [at] erg [dot] verweg [dot] com] has joined #plenary
09:02 -!- fatemah_ripencc [~Adium@2001:67c:64:42:bd64:a362:dbdf:343d] has joined #plenary
09:04 -!- mickod-2110 [~modonovan@2001:67c:64:42:3919:b0e8:12ae:ba30] has joined #plenary
09:04 -!- mickod-2110 [~modonovan@2001:67c:64:42:3919:b0e8:12ae:ba30] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
09:05 -!- ripe582 [~5353bcd8 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
09:08 -!- brian-1213 [~bnisbet@] has joined #plenary
09:10 -!- BECHA [~Adium [at] dhcp-25-156 [dot] ripemtg [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
09:14 -!- BertWijnen [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
09:20 -!- ripe722 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
09:22 -!- romeo_ncc [~romeo@2001:67c:64:42:c110:32ea:e46b:9c6b] has joined #plenary
09:22 -!- mickod-2110 [~modonovan@2001:67c:64:49:dced:dbe:cf33:518] has joined #plenary
09:23 < Matt_RIPENCC> Leon Aaron Kaplan has asked for questions.
09:24 < ripe722> RSA >= 3248 from keylength.com seems like an overinterpretation...
09:24 < Matt_RIPENCC> @ripe722 Do you want me to read this out?
09:25 < ripe722> its not sane to use the same key for ~25 years
09:25 < ripe722> sure, do it
09:25 < Matt_RIPENCC> Could you tell me your name and organisation please?
09:26 < ripe722> Frederik, not speaking for any org
09:28 < Matt_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
09:29 < Matt_RIPENCC> Job Snijders has begun the presentation "Selective Blackholing: Cheap & Effective DDoS Damage Control".
09:29 -!- Habbie [~d55da3fd [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
09:30 -!- damien [~damien@2001:67c:64:42:d0e7:320e:7ae2:f6df] has joined #plenary
09:32 -!- Razvan_RIPENCC [~textual [at] dhcp-25-26 [dot] ripemtg [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
09:34 -!- ripe973 [~5051c4f1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
09:35 -!- alamar [~c1001a9c [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
09:36 -!- ripe973 [~5051c4f1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
09:36 -!- ripe493 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
09:37 -!- ripe493 is now known as Toshima-286
09:38 -!- philip_RIPENCC [~Adium@2001:67c:64:42:b493:c54b:613b:7001] has joined #plenary
09:41 -!- mgrigore is now known as Mih_RIPENCC
09:42 -!- eric-AS1200 [~7d1 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
09:46 -!- tomek [~57cfe63c [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
09:46 -!- alamar [~c1001a9c [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
09:48 -!- amanda_ncc [~Adium@2001:67c:2e8:13:7a31:c1ff:febd:fd36] has joined #plenary
09:52 < Matt_RIPENCC> Job Snijders has asked for questions.
09:52 -!- damien [~damien@2001:67c:64:42:d0e7:320e:7ae2:f6df] has left #plenary []
09:56 -!- ripe976 [~3e18f5cb [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
09:56 -!- ripe976 [~3e18f5cb [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
09:56 -!- amanda_ncc [~Adium@2001:67c:2e8:13:7a31:c1ff:febd:fd36] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
09:57 -!- amanda_ncc [~Adium@2001:67c:2e8:13:103f:bb6f:9fd4:b623] has joined #plenary
09:59 -!- Matoa [~Matoa@] has joined #plenary
10:00 -!- amanda_ncc [~Adium@2001:67c:2e8:13:103f:bb6f:9fd4:b623] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
10:01 -!- ripe362 [~3e18f5cb [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
10:02 -!- amanda_ncc [~Adium@2001:67c:2e8:13:7d93:f05f:b4dc:5e92] has joined #plenary
10:03 < Matt_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
10:03 < Matt_RIPENCC> Christian Rossow has begun the presentation "Amplification DDoS Attacks â Defenses for Vulnerable Protocols".
10:05 -!- ripe389 [~d5e5f80a [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
10:05 -!- Habbie [~d55da3fd [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
10:05 -!- ripe389 [~d5e5f80a [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
10:08 -!- ripe584 [~ad0b6e85 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
10:11 -!- ripe185 [~d5c85856 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
10:17 -!- Matoa [~Matoa@] has quit [Quit: ...]
10:20 -!- keith_24865 [~keith@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
10:21 -!- ripe238 [~02 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
10:22 -!- daf-fd357 [~fabien [dot] de [at] cmz91-3-88-174-217-125 [dot] fbx [dot] proxad [dot] net] has quit [Quit: daf-fd357]
10:23 -!- ripe513 [~c39a4faf [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
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10:25 -!- ripe026 [~c39a4faf [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
10:29 -!- ripe075 [~c15f4cf3 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
10:29 < Matt_RIPENCC> Christian Rossow has asked for questions.
10:30 -!- plopix [~02 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
10:31 -!- plopix [~02 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
10:34 -!- plopix [~02 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has joined #plenary
10:34 -!- ripe075 [~c15f4cf3 [at] rosie-arch [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
10:35 < Matt_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
10:35 -!- BECHA [~Adium [at] dhcp-25-156 [dot] ripemtg [dot] ripe [dot] net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
10:35 < Matt_RIPENCC> This session has now ended.