Newcomers' Introduction
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Webcast Recordings
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BCOP Taskforce
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Stenography Transcripts
Webcast Recordings
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Stenography Transcripts
Webcast Recordings
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Stenography Transcripts
Webcast Recordings
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Address Policy
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Webcast Recordings
Open Source
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Webcast Recordings
Address Policy
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Stenography Transcripts
Webcast Recordings
- Jan Žorž - Marco Schmidt - Update about the “SHOULDs Analysing Project” in RIPE Policy Documents
- Sandra Brown - 2012-02 Inter-RIR Transfer Policy
- Carsten Schiefner - 2014-01 Abandoning the Minimum Allocation Size for IPv4
- Erik Bais - 2014-02 - Allow IPv4 PI Transfer
- Job Snijders - 2014-03 Remove Multihoming Requirement for AS Number Assignment
- Martin Pels - 2014-04: Relaxing IPv6 Requirement for Receiving Space from the Final /8
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Stenography Transcripts
Webcast Recordings
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Stenography Transcripts
Webcast Recordings
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Stenography Transcripts
Webcast Recordings
RIPE NCC Services
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Webcast Recordings
- Kurtis Lindqvist - NCC-Services Agenda
- Ingrid Wijte - IPv4 Hijacking: Our Experiences
- Athina Fragkouli - Due Diligence for the Quality of Registration Data
- Axel Pawlik - Update from the RIPE NCC
- Paul Rendek - External Relations Update
- Piotr Strzyzewski - Do We Need More Auditing On RIPE NCC Projects? RIPE Atlas Example
- Andrea Cima - 2007-01 Update
- Kurtis Lindqvist - Review and Current Implementation Status of policies
- Nick Hilliard - Publication of Sponsoring LIR for Legacy Holders
- Kurt Lindqvist - Open Microphone Session
RIPE NCC General Meeting
Connect BoF
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Webcast Recordings
- Nina Bargisen - Connect-BOF Agenda and Charters
- Gordon Lennox - BEREC
- Michele McCann - Building a case for Interconnection and Peering in Africa
- Bijal Sanghani - Euro-IX Update
- Will Hargrave - Singlefibre optics at LONAP
- Fearghas McKay - Open-IX Update May 2014
- Nina Bargisen - CDN Internetconnection
- Nina Bargisen - Connect-BOF Agenda and Charters
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Stenography Transcripts
Webcast Recordings
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Stenography Transcripts
Webcast Recordings
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Stenography Transcripts
Webcast Recordings
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Stenography Transcripts
Webcast Recordings
- João Damas - Agenda Routing WG
- Benno Overeinder - RDL: A Programmatic Approach to Generating Router Configurations
- Job Snijders - Creating an Automated Prefix Filtering How-To
- Andrei Robachevsky - Routing Resilience Manifesto
- Lukasz Bromirski - BGP Blackholing project
- Alex Band - RPKI for Provider Independent resources
- Alex Band - Setting up RPKI for PI End User Space - Addition
- Denis Walker - RIPE Database Routing Update
- João Damas - Charter Discussion
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Webcast Recordings
- Peter Koch - Walled Internets
- Igor Milashevskiy - Interconnection: Russia, the EU, and Internet Cooperation and Governance
- Randy Bush - Making the Internet a Little Bit Safer Cryptographically
- Maria - administrativa
- Chris Buckridge - Update on Internet Governance in 2014
- Cooperation WG-chairs - Update and working group initiatives
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Stenography Transcripts
Webcast Recordings
- MAT WG Chairs - Agenda
- Christian Kaufmann - An analysis of the Internet interconnection density in IPv6 compared to IPv4
- Vesna Manojlovic - RIPEstat Update
- Vaibhav Bajpai - Lessons Learned From Using the RIPE Atlas Platform for Measurement Research
- Zakir Durumeric - Internet-Wide Scanning and its Measurement Applications
- Vesna Manojlovic - RIPE Atlas Update
- Christian Kaufmann - AOB
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Stenography Transcripts
Webcast Recordings
- Brian Nisbet - RIPE68 AA-WG Agenda
- Marco Hogewoning - RIPE NCC Government/LEA interactions update
- Jerome Cudelou - Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group
- Bengt Gördén - Impact and experience of abuse-c for daily work
- Christian Teuschel/Denis Walker - Next steps for abuse-c
- Leon Aaron Kaplan - CERT
NRO/RIR Reports
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Closing Plenary
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