Thursday, 15 May 09:00 – 10:30
Session Booting & Initialisation (5 minutes)
IPv6 Campus Deployment Experience (15 minutes)
Niall O’Reilly
IPv6 Penetration in Hungary (20 minutes)
Janos Zsako
Painting by Numbers (Visualisation of Structured IPv6-Addressing) (20 minutes)
Helge Holz
Thursday, 15 May 11:00 – 12:30
RIPE IPv6 Analyser (15 minutes)
Alex Band
BCOP Document: “IPv6 troubleshooting procedures for helpdesks” (15 minutes)
Benno Overeinder / Jan Zorz
IETF document: “Balanced Security for IPv6 Residential CPE” (15 minutes)
Ragnar Anfinsen
RIPE 554bis (Requirements for IPv6 in ICT Equipment… revised!) (15 minutes)
Jan Zorz / Sander Steffann
IPv6 Deployment at CERN
Edoardo Martelli
Selection of New Working Group Co-Chair
Following the resignation of David Kessens, we have a vacancy to be filled.
Session Shutdown (10 minutes)